COMING SOON: The Score Project
I am planning on releasing a score of songs (20) this year, starting with Entity, which I have already released. Since I can't keep a secret even for my own good, I will share all the songs coming to the Score right on Newgrounds before it comes out.
Basically, every song I'm set to make in 2022 will go straight into the Score. It is my largest undertaking yet. I plan to finish it sometime around May or June, so I will have plenty of songs left in me for 2022, trust me. But don't sweat the long wait time... it will be out before you know it!
And when it is, it will be epic.
NOTE: Remember to check out my website, it will always have all the songs I make, even when they have been taken off Newgrounds and/or SoundCloud! Plus, it's super cool ;)