I will no longer be distributing my music to streaming platforms for a number of reasons.
- I'm bad at it! I keep uploading the wrong files, but RouteNote doesn't let you change the files at all. Once you click done, the audio tracks are set in stone. And since I keep uploading the wrong files, the bad files are what get released to the public, with no way to upload the correct file. If you try to recreate said release and use the correct file, RouteNote will flag it and not let you publish it. I have completely screwed up a number of my releases because I'm freakin stupid
- They don't get any plays anyway. My most played track is Submerge, with 2000 listens. That's pretty much the only track with listens. I have earned 20 freakin bucks on RouteNote. Another funny thing about RouteNote: they don't pay you until you get $50.
- I like NG more anyway! I was really just distributing because I wanted something to show to my IRL friends, but they don't care all that much. NewGrounds is a much better group to share my music with.
I'm sorry to everyone who wanted to hear my music on streaming services, but this isn't the right move for me right now.
WHAT?! It kinda makes sense if it’s like that. Isn’t there RouteNote alternatives or is that the only one?
There are some alternatives to RouteNote, but the difference is that RN was free… but it was still just too inconvenient.