After all this time, I have finally succeeded in putting my music on GD! You can find me at an account of the same name (underscore8298). Happy listening!
Exploring the endless possibilities of conveying complex emotions in music since 2021! 🤯
Age 16, Male
Joined on 5/17/21
Posted by OVERSCORE - October 26th, 2021
I can’t figure out my style, guys… sometimes I’m making that chill synth wave stuff with nice chordy drops and whatever, but sometimes I feel the need to make some random drum n bass stuff and can’t be convinced otherwise. Like right now. I’m envisioning some really crazy dnb stuff for my next track (on a new ep that will come out soon perhaps), but it really doesn’t make sense compared to Severed Sunset and all that other stuff. Do I just combine the two somehow, maybe? Or do I have a style I’m just not sensing? I don’t know, maybe I’m just overthinking it.
Posted by OVERSCORE - September 14th, 2021
Not exactly sure why I'm sharing this with you. Down in the links section you will find a link that says, "How I started." Click that, it will take you to a Google Doc that has a pretty interesting surprise on it.
Yes, what you are looking at are the very first pieces of music I ever wrote. It all started with a music assignment during quarantine: make a melody using Chrome Music Lab. I thought, "This will be so easy, I already have an idea in mind." BUT, I couldn't stack notes on top of each other. I thought, "That's terrible!" So, after the music assignment, I made a song of my own, following my own rules... and Walk the Dog was born. It was so fun, I made another one, March of Empires. And another, Victory is Ours. Soon, I was having the best week of my life, creating music and making my family listen to it over and over.
It was nothing short of awesome.
Then I had the idea for ALBUMS. I created the albums slideshow, and created a bunch of albums using random images off the internet. Not entirely sure if that's legal, but I didn't know any better. Vortex was my first album, and it was a major victory for me. I had literally created an album, and I was only eleven! My music teacher shared my success with a ton of students at my school, and I was that music making kid.
Albums to singles to albums to singles... a whole year, 3 more months, and at least 75 more songs went by... and I was a nerd. A joke. I was that weird Chrome Music Lab kid who didn't have a life. Now, I wasn't REALLY that, but that's what all my friends thought, and what they still think. I was ready to start creating for real. 75 or more C.M.L songs really drilled music theory into this thick skull of mine... I was all ready to go. After an entire day of research, I found SunVox: a $6 music making app with NO LOOPS. It was a steal. That is where I am now.
That is why I don't use Chrome Music Lab anymore. Although, I still hold a special place in my heart for the songs I made on it. In fact, I made the song Odyssey fairly recently just to be nostalgic. It was an experience. While I do like C.M.L. a ton, I don't miss it. SunVox is the perfect fit for me, and I hope to use for the next full year, 3 months, and 75 songs. Ok, maybe not 75 songs... that's a lot!
I don't know why I bothered to type this up, it's not like anyone looks at my profile anyway ;)
Posted by OVERSCORE - September 14th, 2021
I am making 16 second songs (short, I know) that focus on one or two effects. So far, I have created experimental demos for the retrigger, side-chain, multisynth, cut, and tempo change effects. It is a very good way for me to get to know the software I am using, and it's pretty fun. Have fun! This will be the best 16 seconds of your life.
I hope.
Posted by OVERSCORE - August 24th, 2021
My latest song, Time, is FINALLY to done! I think it’s a whole lot better than most of my other stuff, and it has been such a fun experience to make. With up to 15 tracks running at once in some areas and a whole lot of reverb, this song really brings it. It's a little late, but I hope you'll forgive me. Enjoy!